Then comes our black people’s funerals! I don’t know where to even begin.
Stage 1 is visiting the families the whole week to have food, tea, juice and scones.
Stage 2 comes the night vigil, we descend on the family home to help cut veggies, the men slaughter the animal, the women cook and everyone eats the insides of the slaughtered animal. It’s a whole night affair.
Stage 3, woza Saturday the morning, it’s the service and the funeral.
Stage4, here comes the after tears. After mourners get food, black people sit in groups to drink, play music, and share memories of the deceased.
See the difference?
I know black funerals are too much admin and involve lots of work. But shame, I must say they are fun in the sense that families, friends, and neighbors come together.
Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying whites don’t get together, they do, it’s just in smaller numbers and they rather go support the bereaved family individually rather than have after tears and night vigils with vegetable affairs.
I guess at the end, funerals are conducted based on different practices and beliefs and TQ respects that.